Friday, July 24, 2015

Purify the Souls and win the enemies

Root cause for all the problems faced by humans in their life span is not being aware of who are their friends and enemies?

Everyone should know their friends and foes.

Especially when walking in the path of spirituality, to maintain constant contact with our Creator, we should definitely win our enemies

Who are our enemies?

Man has two enemies; one is Satan and the second is his own soul (Nafs)

Remember how Satan made our forefathers Adam and Eve to slip from the Paradise?

In Quran, Allah states that He allowed Adam and his wife to dwell in Paradise and to eat from all of its fruits, except one tree.
Thus, Satan envied them and plotted deceitfully, whispering and suggesting treachery. He wished to rid them of the various favors and nice clothes that they were enjoying.

And We said, "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat there from in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers." Quran – 2:35

But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed them from that [condition] in which they had been. And We said, "Go down, [all of you], as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time." Quran – 2:36

Quran on Satan
Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak” [4:76],

Whereas about the nafs the Qur’an says, 
”Indeed the nafs is supremely commanding to do evil, except those upon whom my Lord has mercy.” [12:53].

The above shows the soul having upper hand over Satan

Your worst enemy is your soul that is between your two sides – Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Then who is the strongest person?
Strongest person is the one who subjugates his soul and works for what is after death. And the incapable is the one who follows his desires and merely hopes in his Lord

Things to purify the hearts:
When any one concentrates diligently and steadfastly involved in the process of purifying his heart, then all the aspects of life will turn to its best for him. Although there are many ways for the process of conditioning a heart, let’s ponder over the following three –

1) Should allot time every day to speak with our soul – take account of the good and bad deeds done on that day

Whosoever questions himself and corrects in this world, then Allah (SWT) will ease his questioning on the Day of Judgment – Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

2)      Take revenge against the soul

When committed a sin or missed a good deed, then take revenge against it by doing enough amounts of good deeds to balance it

3)      Read the life history of those who strive hard to conquer their souls and won the worlds

Arabic Translation Centre (ATC)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Aim Aspire Desire

The qualities of “Liking” is very predominant in the entire human race, termed differently as aims,  ambitions, desires, thoughts, wishes etc.

Sick desire to become healthy,
Poor desire to become rich,
Rich desire to become influential,
Influential desire for power & position…

The feeling of Liking / desire, covers all the stages of human life – childhood, adolescent and Old age.

Half-naked doesn’t refer to the person lacks clothing alone, but also the one who lacks the desire

Desiredness of high regarded people is equally high as per their stature, and desiredness of low lying people is at bottom of the table

There is no limit for human desires. It’s beyond their vision & boundaries. Even the hearts of aged people desire for two things:
1)      Worldly riches
2)      To live long

When one desire fulfills, it’s the birthplace for the second and this is universal fact. Consider this example –
During school days, we desire to settle in a good paying job
Once settled, and then wish to marry a nice life partner  
Once married, and then wish for children
After blessed with children, desire to build a home
Then go for cars, riches etc.. the list is endless unless our soul rests

It’s very uncommon, to find anyone who wholeheartedly says that he got all what he wished.

Desires are reflections of our souls. There is no one who successfully fed their souls

Best example of it is that of a nursing child. Unless the mother stops the habit, will continue even till its adolescent stage; when mother ceases this habit, naturally the child stops it

If the son of Adam were to possess two valleys of riches, he would long for the third. And the stomach of the son of Adam is not filled but with dust – Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Aspire and Desire!!
Desires which are truly meaningful then they are highly appreciated. If one desires to fulfill commandment of his Lord then this means whatever he wished are meaningful

At times, these desires turn out to be life’s ambition. The world’s successful inventions are those of the desires of its inventors

Desire more when you’re alive, because once the angel of death meets you or in other words – when the soul at death reaches the throat and departs away, you can desire but the probability of its fulfillment is very limited

Arabic Translation Centre (ATC)